Robbie and Byron's White Wedding

One of my greatest joys was celebrating this marriage between Robbie and Byron.  They’d been close neighbours, dearest friends for 5 years and I was with them on the journey of their surrogate giving them the child they prayed for.  4 years later their ultimate surprise was twins – 2 bundles of joy – Jet and Blake  - their excited ring bearers ! Godfather Martin proudly said the ceremony was drawn to the light of Robbie and Byron’s commitment to each other and to their shared love of their lives, Blake and Jet. 

Ceremony was held at Rose Bay Marina  followed by dinner and dancing upstairs at the Regatta Restaurant and Robbie and Byron singing a loving duet.  Perfection afternoon – full circle for my dearest friends.

Grant and Matthew's Balmoral Wedding

This planned wedding of Matthew and Grant  was to be held on Rocky Point Island, Mosman  however due to unpredictable weather the location had to be changed to the Rotunda on Balmoral Beach.

Nothing dampened the spirit of our bridegrooms nor the guests joy in celebrating Matthew and Grant formally coming together as a loving couple.  The special details to parasols for the guests was a clever, caring addition to the ceremony .  Their band, The Baker Boys played exquisite music between personal readings from loved friends and it culminated with the group photographs in Balmoral Park.  The weather was also respectful of this loving union and their commitment for  life. 

John and Paul's Boathouse Wedding

I had the pleasure of being Celebrant and emcee for John & Paul’s wonderful wedding and celebration at The Boathouse Rose Bay.   The wedding was held overlooking the water with the Club Sol band entertaining guests while they sipped champagne and ate delicious hors d’oeuvres waiting for our grooms to arrive.  John took us all by surprise when he arrived wearing heart-shaped gold-tinted glasses. Such a joyous love-filled ceremony and celebration! Sumptuous food, wines and champagne listening to the fab sounds of Club Sol with Luke Anthony and Kyle Maguire. The spectacular ‘pear’ wedding cake by Anthea Leonard, @sweetart_official  was a definite hit!   

Photographer Tony Potts @tpweddings and Boathouse Flowers by Liza and Sophia. Happy guests and celebrant!

Darren and Matthew's Wedding: Love Floating in the Air

Masses of pink and white balloons streaming from the ceiling welcomed guests from Perth, Melbourne, Queensland, and Tasmania for the delightful wedding ceremony of Darren and Matthew in their delightful Surry Hills apartment.

Following the ceremony, guests walked around the corner (each carrying a balloon) to Zahli Restaurant for an all-day wedding feast. It was a fun filled afternoon of wining and dining, singing, dancing and more celebrating. The exotic belly dancer was a great hit as was Matt’s sister, Dell, who composed and sang her song for our happy bridegrooms.

Friends and family expressed so much love and happiness. I love being a Celebrant !

Stephen and Anthony's Wedding in Sydney

Stephen and Anthony's Wedding in Sydney

This truly was the mantra of the wedding. My first legally solemnised same sex marriage on 2nd February - and what a celebration! The marriage between Stephen and his partner of 15 years, Anthony, was celebrated in their much loved garden in their home in Chatswood.